As God Is My Witness...
... I Will Make My Movie
Pick up a copy of Chip's new book, "As God Is My Witness, I will Make My Movie.
"As God Is My Witness, I Will Make My Movie", is a look into the world of an independent filmmaker, Chip Rossetti.
Chip has dedicated his filmmaking career to making movies ONLY in the Christian, Faith Based and Family genres, but that doesn't mean that he hasn't experience the trials and tribulations that every independent filmmaker encounters.
This book goes through each of Chip's movies, with detailed stories from production. Each chapter includes stories from actors on the set, as well as Chip's own stories of how things came together.
It includes tips and insights that every filmmaker, experienced or aspiring, will find valuable.
Christian Film Stars
Are you ready to take a journey with some of the most well-known people in the Faith Based Film Industry? Meet Karen Ambercrombie from War Room, Masey McLain from I'm Not Ashamed and Shannen Fields from Facing the Giants.
Then, meet Alex Kendrick, Bill Mullendore, Chip Rossetti, Joth Riggs and Owen Hisle. Read what they have to say about why they feel led to produce Christian movies. This book will take you on a journey through their own adventure.